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We’re keen fans of Brisbane Lions’ big man Dan Merrett here at Presentation Night -and not just because he’s wearing a Bears jumper in this picture (although that is definitely a plus). Whilst he’s got the ability to play up forward and kick a bag of goals when the occasion demands it, he’s also the ultimate versatile swingman with the skills to pay the bills in defence when required, usually getting the unenviable task of quieting the biggest names in the business:  Buddy, Tomahawk, Travis Cloke and their ilk. As people a lot younger and a lot cooler than us say, “RESPECT, Dan Merrett”.

This is usually followed by some kind of fist pumping action against their chest and a ludicrously complex hand sign combination.

In our humble estimation Dan almost certainly has the most impressive knowledge of contemporary musical mores going around, and not just in the AFL. The first time we spoke to him last year he was looking forward to seeing the fantastic, but hardly household name Canadian indie favourite Mac DeMarco play later that week. He’s clearly a man with excellent taste, and a thorough knowledge of what’s what when it comes to the latest and greatest in music. It’s fair to say that he is probably the only currently listed AFL player with his own blog – devoted entirely to his love of music.  

Yep, he likes it a LOT. Dan is our first Vinylist, and kicks us off here with his Qualifying Vinyl choice. Jimmy Eat World- Jimmy Eat World (2001)

(Fun Fact: album was originally called Bleed American, but was changed after 9/11)

This album was a heavy influence during my teenage years when I was trying to find my feet in the world. The multiple levels Jimmy Eat World produced from the angry first track Bleed American to the mainstream pop tracks The Middle & Authority Song, to the quieter track Hear You Me that will be played at my funeral (as morbid as that sounds).

A complete album to complete a young redheads’ journey through those adolescent years to the big stage of the AFL. (I still listen to Bleed America to get me pumped before games)

Thanks Jimmy Eat World.



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